Scuba reporting – The Ultimate Leisure Management System

Effective Scuba Reporting 

The key feature of Scuba reporting is that the vast majority of reports are created automatically as a by-product of simply processing transactions, visitors and taking bookings.  Utilisation reports are available for any area, activity and user demographic and finance reports are collated by cost centre or detailed code and available in file format to easily transfer data to the FMS.

SCUBA Reporting

Business Intelligence

You cannot manage a business effectively without relevant KPI’s and Scuba’s Advanced Reporting module will provide this information for you.

Whether you require performance against target analysis (available for both income and visitors), utilisation of bookable spaces to identify dead times or attrition reports for your membership scheme to quantify effectiveness – Scuba reporting will provide this information for you.

Fitness class analysis is available as a by-product of the booking process and you can see which classes are full and which are oversubscribed by using the waiting list analysis.

Socio-demographic analysis is available using a specialist module that will analyse usage by discreet research code (usage by postcode, concessionary user type, SOA, ethnic origin)

Key Features

Income Analysis

Income Analysis is available automatically as a BY-PRODUCT of running the Point of Sale in Scuba – eradicating the tedious task of manually transposing till readings to spreadsheets to get the most basic information.

From the data collected during our Pre-Sales Consultation you will have informed us of the ‘standard’ reports that you wish to generate from Scuba and the software will have been configured to report in this fashion.  These ‘standard’ reports generally take the form of a Finance Income Report (with the reporting structure dictated to you by Head Office or the Finance Department), a Manager’s Income Report (a report showing the same bottom line  income figure but in a structure more conducive to making informed business decisions), an Admissions Report (a throughput report containing grouped admissions such as adult swim visits and fitness suite sessions etc) and a Product Report (a sales report normally broken down into sales of goods such as, goggles, water bottles etc).  The ‘coding’ of the income is AUTOMATIC, which means that daily, weekly or monthly reports can be produced instantly and in a variety of formats and can be exported to proprietary packages for further analysis.

Financial Period Analysis

Scuba’s Financial Period Analysis module provides a comparison of target versus actual income (or admissions) by either specific financial period (which can be daily, weekly or monthly) or a cumulative total to date for all financial periods in the current financial year; or a comparison of target versus actual income (or admissions) against the same financial periods last year (to analyse income increase  or decrease by business cost centre).

Membership Sales Analysis

Analysing your membership database is vital if you are to maximise the use of your facility.  Membership Sales Analysis allows Facility Managers to accurately track the make-up of their database and extract user profiles based on age, gender, category and status (i.e. whether the user is Active, New, Renewed or Lapsed).

The composition of either your whole user database or specific user categories can be generated allowing complete analytical flexibility.  Results can be displayed in percentages or as numbers with an Attrition Rate generated.

Visit Analysis

Scuba’s Visit Analyser module tracks each user’s attendance by activity, recording the day, date and time of each visit.  Designed to help with the relationship marketing exercises, playing an increasingly important role in all leisure facilities, the ‘loyalty’ module proves particularly valuable in the membership retention, particularly in the Fitness Suite. All outcomes can either be listed (with contact details) or merged to a letter, emailed or SMS text message.

Here are just a few examples:

Identify all those users who, since completing their Gym Induction in January, have been back less that five times, then merge these results into a letter detailing Refresher Courses for the Gym.

Identify the top 10 users from the gym during last month and MailMerge their names, via the Scuba5 Mail Magician module, to a newsletter, asking them to pick up their free T-Shirt on their next visit.

Identify all those users who have attended between 5 and 10 times last month and suggest that it would be more economical to take out a Direct Debit.