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leisure management software updates

Getting Mobile

By News, Software Updates
Mobile Bookings on your smartphone/tablet

Mobile Bookings on your smartphone/tablet

Scuba – Leisure Management Software – Mobile Stellar

The latest version of Stellar is complete and will provide your customers with an adaptive Booking interface from their mobile device/tablet.

This has already been issued to the first two customers, free of charge, as an update to the existing module and is going down very well.

All existing users will get this in due course as the systems are updated and we hope this will increase self-service and relieve pressure at the POS.

Scope v2.0

While we are on the subject of being mobile, we have just started work on V2.00 of Scope. This will enhance the User checks already built into the routine as well as add the functionality to allow your staff to manage casual class registers on the move.